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VR - The Next Frontier in Gaming: To Boldly Go Where 'Everyone' Should Have Gone Before

If you’re a big Star Trek aficionado, you’d know what the above phrase means. It didn’t just adorn the opening theme of the William Shatner epic TV series, but also had a far deeper meaning. A meaning that communicates the endearing human spirit against all odds; one that unflinchingly seeks to stand the test of time by conquering the ‘unknown’.

Just a few years ago, the very concept of virtual reality - or simulated 3D worlds we view through special goggles strapped to our face - seemed like an outlandish concept. 2017 has made it into a mainstream reality!

Virtual Reality offers the foundations for a revolutionary and truly ground-breaking medium that promises to be more powerful than cinema, theatre, literature or any other medium we as humans had ever had before to connect one another, as well as the collective environment we all live in.

Since Nintendo released its Virtual Boy in the mid-'90s, VR has consistently felt on the verge of something great. Thus, having been the next big thing on more than one occasion, it's worth viewing the latest VR advancements with overwhelming shock and awe.

The truth is as consumers today are far more educated than they ever were in the history of consumer markets. And the fact of the matter is that nobody buys a piece of gaming hardware because they think it looks 'cool'. Until there's a 'great experience' to go along with it, the hardware simply opens the door, but doesn’t provide the destination.

And that is where VR takes the cake; full of gelatinous ooe- gooey-deliciousness that is phenomenally exciting four our taste buds!

Virtual Reality gaming is the closest thing to artificially generated reality that the human mind can react to – as it would in real life. It consciously and subconsciously forces us to utilize all our unique faculties as human beings, whether they be emotional, mental, intellectual, physical or even imaginative.

So what trends can we see the Virtual Reality Star Trek spaceship journeying to?
The answer: Exciting games!

Innovative and stimulating video game titles are crucial in success of VR gaming industry. Exciting titles will enable VR to set itself apart far more from the traditional gaming platforms and consoles. This is being achieved (and with plenty more in the pipeline) via uniquely authentic, fully immersive and mesmerising digital virtual content that showcases the wondrous promise of the VR technology.

Only Virtual Reality gives you that world, provides you that power, enhances your existence with that kind of impossible yet infinite reach and empower you with superhuman experiences people could only dream of! It empowers the mind to seek greater heights by challenging the status quo, breaking comfort zones and exploring newer horizons within the realms of our self-imposed boundaries.

2017 is going to be a phenomenal year for VR Gaming, a year where industry experts believe VR is going to be defined by the content that is designed explicitly for it and the related platforms + systems that are audience-centric.

More and more industry giants in the gaming sector are coming up with relevant and VR based content and gaming titles to hop on the hot VR bandwagon.

Want to try VR?